Meet Our Team

Founded by Julie Croker in April 2008 Angel Refrigeration Ltd now has a 10 strong team who all pride themselves on offering expert advice as well as an excellent installation and after sales service.

Our aim is to ensure we help you make the right choice of refrigeration to meet your business process needs.

Sales Team

Richard, Julie and Dan make up over 30 years in the commercial refrigeration business.

Their focus is on ensuring you are buying the right piece of equipment to suit your needs, so they aren’t being nosey when they ask you lots of questions they are just being thorough!

"The Angel customer proposition is focused on understanding the requirements of our customers, and ensuring we only offer and supply the right piece of refrigeration to do the right job"

Julie Croker

Managing Director
01327 810395

Dan Cornelious

Sales Manager
01327 810370

Richard Thompson

Sales Manager
01327 223086

Support Team

As well as being MD Julie gets involved in all aspects of the business and works closely with the Angel Accounts Manager, Elaine and the Marketing Team Courtney & Claire.

"We are constantly evaluating the needs of our customers and developing new products"

Elaine Draper

Accounts Manager
01327 223231

Courtney Armstrong

Marketing Executive
01327 227253

Installation Team

Albert & Nyasha go to great lengths to ensure products are transported and installed correctly and customers are left feeling happy and up to speed with their new equipment.

"For Angel Refrigeration, it is not just about selling refrigeration, it is also about getting the equipment safely delivered, working and all in a timely fashion"

Albert Collison

Delivery & Installation Manager
07454 118686

Spares & After Sales Service

"We are always willing to go the extra mile to keep your business open"

Anthony Mundy

Spares and Service Coordinator
01327 811668
I want to say thanks for the AMAZING job you guys do. Yesterday wasn't easy for the guys as we are small shop and the space is little but they (the delivery team) did an extraordinary job. Honestly I am so happy to be working with Angel :)
Ice Prodanov
Little Sourdough Kitchen
Munster Road, SW6
Copyright © 2024 Angel Refrigeration | REGISTERED IN ENGLAND NO: 6580404 | VAT NO: GB 948 3042 15
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